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Showing posts from August, 2015

ContentWise & Bebeleye partnership

There are hundreds of TV channels, each of which are 7/24 broadcasting. It becomes very complicated for the viewer to choose among these. Recommendation engines play important role on that. They help the people on their choices.  Recently I got an e-mail from Platform agency, about a partnership between ContentWise & Bebeleye. The TV professionals will recognise these firms, they are doing great job in their own field and region. I believe this partnership will open new possibilities for both. 

new debate; LTE-B is enough for DTT

As I wrote before, with the recent speech of Mr. Esat ÇIPLAK, one of the members of RTÜK, the Supreme Council for radio & television, there is a new debate on DTT in Turkey. I believe Turkey is the only country with "completely none" DTT investment in Europe. This uniqueness, may open a window of opportunity to Turkey, giving him the chance to dedicate UHF band directly to mobile, without the need to wait for the diminish of DTT.  I have to admit that when I first read the speech of Mr. ÇIPLAK, I thought that the offer was quite meaningless. He claimed that LTE-B was enough for DTT, which has never installed in a country. Actually after searching about the technology I realized that the offer of giving all UHF band to mobile operators is not an invention. It has been talked by the mobile world quite a while. I read a presentation by Nokia Networks in March 2015, in which the future of UHF band is shown as LTE.  I believe this debate has the potential to change

my Agenda at IBC

I started to think of IBC. As I have said before, it will be the first time I have the chance to attend such an important event. I feel lucky that IBC accepted my application as PRESS. So I will try to do my job and inform my followers with daily digest from the show. The details of my IBC program is more clear now: My flight to Amsterdam is on 10 th of September. I will be in Amsterdam at 12.30 pm. It is the first day of the conference and the fair is not opened yet. I will come back to Ankara on 15 of September, in the afternoon. This means I will have 4 full days for the event. Till today I organised just one appointment on 13.09 at 10.30. I want to inform you that as I will also follow the conference, I may not have enough time for your inquiries.  I will not come to IBC as a delegate of my company. I will pay all my expenses on my own, but to be honest, the subjects that I personally interested and the ones that I work on are not different. DAB/DAB+, DRM or generally di

Member of Supreme Council, Mr. Esat Ciplak claims that there is no need to build DTT in Turkey

I have been using LinkedIn frequently. I post some updates on DTT and digital radio transition in Turkey. I found out that there are not enough source of information on these subjects. So, although it is extra work for me, I try to post my comments on these in English also.  Recently Mr. Esat ÇIPLAK, gave a speech on DTT transition in Turkey. He is one of the members of Supreme Council of Radio & Television in Turkey, namely RTÜK. There are nine members of RTÜK. Mr. ÇIPLAK claims that there is no need to build a new DTT network as there are very little percentage left watching analog terrestrial television. According to Mr. ÇIPLAK, even in Europe percentage of population watching television via DTT is decreasing. As you well know, Turkey has not yet build DTT. So, Mr. ÇIPLAK claims that the UHF band should be released to mobile operators. Mobile operators will use the frequency band more efficient.  I posted a comment on these in my blog in Turkish. Thinking of my intern

this year at IBC...

I have been blogging since 2004, in Turkish about many: books, travel, cooking and also radio & television technology. As you may guess the most viewed posts I made are the cooking & travel ones. Radio & television are the main, may be nowadays  were the main, way of entertainment for all. But the technology behind radio & tv are not the hot topic for all.  In 2013 I decided to post in English on radio & television technology in Turkey. My main goal was to become a reference blog for the radio & TV industry in Turkey. I know that there are not many sources for information on what is going on in Turkey about the digital transition in radio & TV. I tried to share my knowledge, actually the open sources of information which are mainly in Turkish, to the professionals all over the world. By that I dreamed that one day I would be accredited as PRESS to the important events of broadcasting.  In 2013, I managed to attend three conferences, in London, in Kr

EBU, declared on 4K UHD

European Broadcasting Union, EBU published a policy statement on 4K UHD. On the first page of the document there is a statement: This document contains an important and fairly complex statement. It may only be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Partial quotation is strictly forbidden. That's why I will not make any partial quotation. The document is very important.  As far as I understand it is a warning to the TV sector. The uncertainties cost a lot to all parties. To consumers, to broadcasters and to equipment manufacturers.  Hence, the industry should immediately come together and clearly define the 4K UHD implementation parameters. Otherwise, this chaotic situation will harm everyone... note: Photo is from Chili, Santiago.

Eureka! Online magazine from WorldDMB

If you are interested in digital radio, then you will love Eureka!, the e-magazine from World DMB. It is not so frequent as a blog, but it gives you a quick update from the globe. According to the latest issue of the magazine Norway, will be the first country in the world to close down the analog FM broadcast. It seems that Switzerland will be the second. If you look at the GDP per capita, you can claim that this is not a coincidence.  According to the World Bank data, the GPD per capita of Norway is 97363 USD, and Switzerland is 87.733 USD.  You can have a look at the Eureka! .