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Connected TV World Summit 2013

It has been quite a while that I could not find time to write. Actually, I am not used to write in English and should spend more time for it. I was very busy with things, which make me feel happy. We went to Paris and then to a village in Turkey with my family. After that, about 3 weeks later, I went to London for Connected TV World Summit .  I will definitely write a detailed coverage of the event but I should wait for the presentations. Meantime let me write my first observations: Event, was very well organized. Each and every presentation was held on time with the previously announced speakers. Attendees were well chosen, covering nearly all aspects of connected tv business, namely CE manufacturers, broadcasting companies, system integrators, OTT providers.  Only missing party was advertisement, which is discussed on an other event: Future TV Advertisement Forum. It was a pleasure to hear from Hulu and Boxee from US. Cocktail after first day of the event and c offee bre

First results and comments on digital terrestrial television license tender

As you all know digital terrestrial television license tender in progress. I want to write on the first results of the tenders. There will be national, regional and local licenses. Results of the national general HD licenses are some what surprising. In Turkey license of satellite and cable broadcast tv and  is 210.000 TL / 10 years, the minimum price for DTT national HD general was 3.000.000 TL. After the tender the minimum price for a licence was 48.800.000 TL. It is 232 times greater then license for satellite or cable.  Another interesting thing is that in Turkey, there are just 10% or less left, receiving tv from analog terrestrial. It can be thought that DTT license is a prestigious asset, that's why this license fee is so high. Even though we think like that, I believe it is not enough to explain the gap between license fees among two types of distribution channels. We will wait and see what these results mean. Keep following my blog in order to keep informed on Turki

Connected TV World Summit 2013

I had chance to follow the Connected TV World Summit 2011 online. This year, if I can manage to, I will attend the event in London. In its program, which you can download from here , it is stated that: CE manufacturers pioneered Internet video to the TV screen, then Pay TV harnessed Connected TV apps as a way to reach their subscribers in more rooms. Now platform operators are focused on their own connected set-top boxes while broadcasters help develop the next-generation free-to-air platforms that will take Connected TV to the wider market. Every kind of platform and every kind of content provider, from the new online entrant and special interest channel to the movie portal and terrestrial broadcaster, needs a connected strategy. Like digital before it, ‘ connected’ is driving a fundamental change in the TV market that impacts everyone and everything. I totally agree with this statement. It is a fact that connected world will effect each and every part of TV business. Either y