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Showing posts with the label WorldDRM

DAB, DAB+, DRM30, DRM+, DVB-T2 Lite or just DIGITAL RADIO?

Some love to talk with abbreviations. They think that talking with abbreviations make them look to know a lot about the subject that they are talking about. Well, looking to know and to really know is absolutely different. To really know a subject, the recipe is the same for all; hard work. It needs many nights without sleep and many hours of talk with experts.  To be honest, I am trying to keep me updated with the latest technology in radio & television, which is not always possible. To be updated one should follow some major events, which are mainly the IBC in Amsterdam, the NAB in Las  Vegas, the DVB World Congress in different cities of Europe and some other events of EBU & ABU. As an amateur blogger it is not so easy to do for me. But, any way God helps and I manage to follow most of them. With luck, the General Assembly (GA) of the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union, ABU, was in Istanbul this year. I had a presentation on Emergency Warning System at the Technical