It is my honor to post this e-interview with Ms. Ruxandra Obreja, the Chairman of the DRM Consortium. Just one sentence information about the DRM: DRM is one of the digital radio standards available for choice, and is the only one which can work for all frequency bands. I want to thanks Ms. Obreja for her time and detailed answers. She came to Ankara many times for conference speeches. She is also Head of Digital Radio Development in the BBC World Service. In this second interview on digital radio, I used the same questions. I thought that by this, it would be easier to have a decision on both options. Actually, DAB/DAB+ and DRM may live together. Turkey may choose DAB/DAB+ for digitization of FM and DRM for digitization of short & medium wave radios. 1. There are many examples of digital radio transitions all over the world. Some are great success whereas some are total fail. I think there is not a one-right-path to follow. What do you reco...