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Showing posts from March, 2013

Digital Terrestrial Television in Turkey

As you all know analog switch off (ASO) is the process of ending analog terrestrial television broadcast and start digital terrestrial television (DTT) instead through out the whole country. In many European countries this process is done. In Turkey ASO will be on 3 March 2015. DTT has not yet started and I believe that 2 years of transition period is an extremely tight target. We will wait and see if the target is reached or not. Main advantage of Turkey is that television reception depends on satellite. Total percentage of households which receive television from analog terrestrial broadcast is just 20 % or less. Thus, number of people that will be effected from ASO is not as high as the ones in other European countries.  In countries where analog terrestrial broadcast is not dominant, transition period is not so long. This will help the ASO process of Turkey.  It is stated in the law that the DTT network will be built by a firm, shortly called as Antenna A.Ş . Share holders o

What will you find in this blog?

First of all I would like to mention that you can be sure that what you read in this blog is not copied from somewhere else. They are personally written by me. I am working as an R & D Engineer in Turkey. After graduated from electrical & electronics engineering department in 1995 I am working in television industry since 1998. I am blogging since 2004. I wrote 950+ posts , 125+ of which are technical . I am blogging in Turkish. You can read them using online translator of google, keeping in mind that online tools are not so  powerful in translating from Turkish. This is my first post in English. I hope to be a reference site for the television technology of Turkey. Television market in Turkey differs from other European countries in some aspects. For example in Turkey nearly 70 % of households receive television from satellite. Cable, digital & analog, is just 8 %. Digital terrestrial television (DTT) is not yet started. DTT is planned to start with DVB-T2. Analog sw