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May HD Radio be an alternative for Turkey?

There are mainly three worldwide digital radio technologies: DAB/DAB+, DRM30/DRM+ and  HD Radio™ . According to some sector professional Turkey should not even think of  HD Radio™  as an alternative for the digitization of radio. I have some doubts on that. Lets have a closer look at  HD Radio™ : Who is behind the  HD Radio™ ? IBiquity  Digital is the firm that developed the  HD Radio™  technology. Some argues that as it is a firm, not a consortium, so broadcasters should avoid choosing  HD Radio™  as the digital radio technology. It sounds a little bit ambiguous. Why should broadcasters avoid using it? Do they avoid using Windows, for their PCs? Well, it is the same actually. Microsoft is a firm, that has a product, and broadcasters, like many others are using it. So, Ibiquity Digital is a firm like Microsoft. They have an approach to digital radio, with using FM band, they can digitize the r...

post IBC 2015: Digital Radio

There has been a debate on the standard of the digital radio all over the world. WorldDAB & DRM are the two leading non profit organisation to support their solutions; DAB+ & DRM+. There is also another alternative with radio over DVB-T2 Lite profile. During IBC 2015 all three tried to convince the attendees that their solution was the ONE.   The panel of WorldDAB  Mr. Kenneth Wenzel, showing the digital radio over DVB-T2 Lite profile  Head of WorldDAB, Mr. Patrick Hannon Actually I should admit that I did not have chance to attend any DRM event. Although I promised to attend & I shared their program on this blog, I totally forgot this. I had the chance to meet with Mr. Kenneth Wenzel again, with whom I first met at the Levira's event in Tallinn in 2013. I also found chance to chat with the CEO of DVB Project, Dr. Peter Siebert & Head of DigiTAG Mr. Simon Fell & Deputy Head of DigiTAG Mr. Stan Baaijens. We had a meeting with t...

post IBC

It's been quite a while since the IBC 2015 is over. I started to post about it, on my blog in Turkish. Actually, it is still much easier for me to write in my native. But, as a PRESS member, I know that I should also post in English. I will start with a general covarage, after that I will write on some specific technology/application, and finally I will comment on the companies & their solutions in IBC 2015.  First of all I should thank to all, working for the IBC. It was the first time I attended to the IBC, but it worth every cent that I spent on my own. Amsterdam is a lovely city. The hotels are quite expensive during IBC, but you may stay in Leiden, Delft, Den Haag or even Rotterdam. They are not far away by train. You should also take in to account the transportation cost. IBC gives you a free card which is valid in all bus, tram & metro in Amsterdam. If you choose to stay in another city, you have to use train, which is not that cheap. I stayed at Leiden, for 6...

IBC with numbers

Photo from IBC's web site, Press Zone. IBC 2014 1967, First IBC was held in London. 1992, IBC in Amsterdam RAI for the first time.  1994+, IBC in Amsterdam RAI. 14 exhibition halls. 1700+ exhibitors 170+, the number of countries which visitors came. 55000+, visitors in 2014. 70+ sessions in conference 2015. 16+, age to enter IBC. 2570 €, Gold PASS Early Bid.

still one week for IBC & fully booked

It is my pleasure to announce that I have booked my 4 full days with some interviews & demos. To be honest, I was some how not sure, how will people find me, I mean, this will be my first time in IBC. But, thanks God, I still take mails from companies, to whom, unfortunately I say, hopefully next year.  I will write long posts on IBC, when I come back. I will, hopefully, have chance to take some videos from the event, if I manage to take permission form my girls to have one of their tablets :) Hope to meet you there!

ContentWise & Bebeleye partnership

There are hundreds of TV channels, each of which are 7/24 broadcasting. It becomes very complicated for the viewer to choose among these. Recommendation engines play important role on that. They help the people on their choices.  Recently I got an e-mail from Platform agency, about a partnership between ContentWise & Bebeleye. The TV professionals will recognise these firms, they are doing great job in their own field and region. I believe this partnership will open new possibilities for both. 

new debate; LTE-B is enough for DTT

As I wrote before, with the recent speech of Mr. Esat ÇIPLAK, one of the members of RTÜK, the Supreme Council for radio & television, there is a new debate on DTT in Turkey. I believe Turkey is the only country with "completely none" DTT investment in Europe. This uniqueness, may open a window of opportunity to Turkey, giving him the chance to dedicate UHF band directly to mobile, without the need to wait for the diminish of DTT.  I have to admit that when I first read the speech of Mr. ÇIPLAK, I thought that the offer was quite meaningless. He claimed that LTE-B was enough for DTT, which has never installed in a country. Actually after searching about the technology I realized that the offer of giving all UHF band to mobile operators is not an invention. It has been talked by the mobile world quite a while. I read a presentation by Nokia Networks in March 2015, in which the future of UHF band is shown as LTE.  I believe this debate has the potential to cha...