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DVB-T2 Licence tender will end with local

In Turkey, 3 different types of DVB-T2 licensees are given. According to the coverage of the signal these licensees are national, regional and local. National and regional licensees are given with tenders now it is time for local ones.  There are 81 cities in Turkey, 73 of which will have local DTT broadcasters after T3 (DVB-T2 Local) Licence tender . It is understood from the announcement of Supreme Council, there will be maximum 7 T3 licensees per site. When we look at the attendees of the tender we can easily see that in many sites, there are less than 7 attendees. The minimum price for a T3 licence changes from site to site. In İstanbul minimum is 300.000 TL, in Tunceli and Bayburt it is 30.000 TL. This huge difference comes from the differences in potential advertisement revenue.  In İstanbul, there are 15 attendees, 7 of which will get the licence. In Ağrı, Amasya, Artvin, Bartın, Batman, Bayburt, Bitlis, Bolu, Burdur, Çankırı, Hakkari, Kar...

11 days left for Istanbul TV Forum & Fair

It a pleasure for me to announce the  Istanbul Forum & Fair , at 20-22 June 2013. I am mainly interested in the  Forum  of the event. It seems that although there is a short time left, program of the event is not yet finalized. I found program of day 1 & 2 in the Facebook account of the event. As you can see, it is an important event, looking at the names of the speakers. Turkey is a huge market for DVB-T2 and digital radio. Throughout Europe there are a few countries left, without DTT network at all. So main producers of DTT network equipment will come to Istanbul to show their products. Also with over 70 Million people, who watched nearly 4 hours of TV daily, TV production is important.  I, personally, try to attend the event on 20 & 21 June. I hope to meet my readers there. If you will attend the event also, you can send me a message through LinkedIn . 

Digital TV CEE Event

If everything goes as planned I will attend Digital TV Central & Eastern Europe Event, organized by Informa, in Krakow on 25-27 June 2013. I am really excited about the event. Over The Top Dedicated Day, on 25 of June, is important. OTT, is a grey valley, between IPTV & WebTV. It is not an IPTV service as it does not use dedicated network; it is not a WebTV service as you can also watch with a box or through an APP. This grey valley is not organized in many countries with acts also. Hence, it gives the channel a great advantage. It seems that this grey valley will continue for a while but not till the end. There are some cases regarding the intellectual propriety rights. I think all these discussions will be held at the event. Hope to meet my viewers at the event. You can reach my linkedin account.

Connected TV World Summit 2013

It has been quite a while that I could not find time to write. Actually, I am not used to write in English and should spend more time for it. I was very busy with things, which make me feel happy. We went to Paris and then to a village in Turkey with my family. After that, about 3 weeks later, I went to London for Connected TV World Summit .  I will definitely write a detailed coverage of the event but I should wait for the presentations. Meantime let me write my first observations: Event, was very well organized. Each and every presentation was held on time with the previously announced speakers. Attendees were well chosen, covering nearly all aspects of connected tv business, namely CE manufacturers, broadcasting companies, system integrators, OTT providers.  Only missing party was advertisement, which is discussed on an other event: Future TV Advertisement Forum. It was a pleasure to hear from Hulu and Boxee from US. Cocktail after first day of the ev...

Digital terrestrial television, national licensees

With the recent tenders, digital terrestrial television licensees are given by Supreme Council of Radio & Television in Turkey. Infect the results of the tender is some how surprising; total revenue of Supreme Council is 820.850.000 TL, which is appr. 350.000.000 €. When we think of regional and local licensees, total amount will be nearly TL What is the reason of this huge amount of money? Why do broadcasters agree to pay this amount for a license with which just 10 % is watching TV? What is the business plan behind this scene? These are questions in my mind. If I figure out some answers, you can be sure that I will share with you. If you have any answers, please do not hesitate to share with me, and other readers. I will appreciate your support.


With the change in technology, it seems that IPTV offers, will not need a separate set top box. Television sets becomes "smarter". Nowadays, they are not devices with just a monitor and tuner but devices with hard discs, operating systems. You can download applications to your TV, as if your tablet or phone. You can also use your phone / tablet to control your TV. Hence, TV and phone / tablet becomes more closer. On 25 of June in Krakow, Poland these issues and more will be discussed in detail at Digital TV event . If everything goes as planned, I will attend the event and hope to see you there also.

8th Annual Digital TV Central and Eastern Europe Event

I attended to IP & TV World Forum and TV Connect events in Istanbul, which of both was organized by Informa. Having attended to these events, I am glad to say that I will have chance to follow the Digital TV Central & Eastern Europe Event on 25-27 June at Krakow, Poland.  Actually I have to thank to Informa, for their support in attending the event.  Main topics that will be covered in the event are OTT (Over The Top) TV and Pay TV. There will be a one day event dedicated to Over The Top Television. I will try to attend this event also, which will be on 25 June. In fact I think that OTT will replace classic IPTV offers, with the increase in smart tv, connected tv sales figures, need for a set top box will diminish. Therefore, this one day event is really important for the sector professionals.  When we look at the speakers of the event, one can easily understand the importance of the event. Some of the speakers are: Ian McDonough, Senior Vice Pres...